Rode NT2

Relatively Inexpensive condenser with switchable polar patterns. Rode NT2

The Rode NT2 is not terribly expensive and can be used with either a cardioid or an omni pattern. It sounds surprisingly good on guitar cabinets and has a pretty low noise level in addition to a handy switchable filter built in.

The NT2 is not very competitive with more expensive microphones. It sounds somewhat thin and isn’t great for all purposes.

This is a nice microphone for a home studio or for starting a collection, but a more expensive hi-end condenser (like a Neumann or an AKG) is probably a better investment in the long run.

The Rode NT2: A Great Starter Mic

A generally nice and reasonably priced large diaphragm condenser.

From Australia, the people at Rode make some pretty nice products that tend to be on the lower end of the price spectrum. Perhaps not the very ‘best’ quality, they still provide a good amount of bang for your buck. The NT2 is no exception. With its switchable polar pattern, it can function as either a cardioid or an omni mic.  This increases it’s versatility as does its switchable filter which allows flexibility with the frequency response. It has relatively low noise due to its transformerless circuitry and a 135 dB SPL so it can handle pretty loud sounds. It sounds great on smaller guitar cabinets, especially coupled with Shure’s SM57. For vocals, it is pretty good, but sounds somewhat thin compared to fancier models. Set to Omni mode, it can be used as a nice room mic.

The Rode NT2 is a good microphone to have around, but higher end models might be a better investment for the long haul. The NT2s are really great for certain things and have a lovely crisp sound. The real downside about these is that they don’t make them anymore, but they are hanging around in a few stores and you can find them if you look. Rode has come out with a newer version, the NT2-A which has even more features with 3 switchable polar patterns, 3 filter settings and 3-position variable pads. The original NT2 is great as well if you can get your hands on it.

Technical Info:

Type: Large Diaphragm
Frequency Response: 20 Hz – 20kHz
Polar Pattern: Cardioid or Omni
Sensitivity: 16 mv/pa
Max SPL: 135 dB
Price: $700

Be sure to check out the other Microphone Reviews

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